A day as smooth as the new road

June 9, 2011

Tuesday was sunny, bright, and sweaty for all, including me––the worlds most awkward driver, accidently cruising past the paving action on West Main St. in Millbury, in the famous corvette without air conditioning, and parallel parking for the first time since my drivers test six summers ago. Much to my own surprise and that of various spectators, I was successful. Greeted by excess heat upon opening the door, I peeled myself off of the leather seat and back tracked a quarter mile toward the job––a main road.

West Main St., Millbury, MA

I noticed off the bat that this job was a little different than those I previously visited. First of all, there were police officers directing traffic and offering me assistance in crossing the street, prior to gaining the knowledge of my strange business at the construction site. “Ha! Ohhhh,” laughed the officer, “So you’re the one writing all that awful stuff about your father.”

The second difference was what seemed to be pleasant simplicity. There must be something nice about paving in a straight line, at least compared to the sometimes awkward turns and shapes of driveways and parking lots. A street job, I concluded, must be the best kind. My father confirmed that later during a break between asphalt deliveries.

A break in the action.

This may be strange, or maybe typical, but I enjoy observing the pauses in progress as much as I enjoy the actual action. I imagine the men, on their feet and alert in the summer heat, on top of the 350 degree asphalt, must enjoy the breaks as well.

I'm a huge fan of the yellow vests. No! Really, I am!

My visit was short lived, as my father sent me to do an errand for him. But that’s okay, because there wasn’t much to see, except the finished product that I hope to check out today. All was well!

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